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- What Is Series | The Acts Church
What Is Series Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A King Maker Listen Now The Magi were king makers in their land. Jesus did not need their approval, but rather they came to worship the King of Kings. The gifts that they brought speak to His kingship, His death, and His burial. However, following His resurrection He ascended to sit beside the Ancient of Days which He is currently reigning as King over all! Repentance Listen Now Repentance is a necessity to be a Christian, repentance is a necessity to be preached in church, and repentance is a necessity in our sanctification and to be conformed to the image of the Son. Let us contemplate and reflect on the Holiness of God and in return on the sin that we commit in idolatrous rebellion against His commands. The more we understand how holy and pure He is, the more we will detest sin, mourn over our sin (Matthew 5:4) , and will with all urgency and weight repent! Repentance is a gift granted by God that leads to faith in Christ and salvation. However, repentance is ongoing as we grow in sanctification and holiness and will continue until we are pure in heart and free from the presence of sin for the first time in His presence in our eternal home. Until then let us mourn over our sin which leads us to godly repentance and sanctification which is the will of God. Prayer Listen Now
- 1st Peter Sermon Notes| The Acts Church
The 1st Letter Of Peter Peter is writing to the elect of God who are exiles in a foreign land. He is writing to them to encourage them and remind them that sufferings and trials are coming and are guarantees, but to not to be discouraged because the trials are from God and are to refine their faith. Suffering, testing, and persecution are coming and we are to look to Christ as our example on how to respond as Peter will labor in this letter to the chosen of God. Peter will encourage and remind his audience that they are strangers and exiles that are not in their true home and they are to keep their eyes upon their forever home in heaven where their inheritance is waiting. Christians have an inheritance that is being reserved for them and they are being reserved for their inheritance. This will be finally complete when we as exiles take our first step home! Chapters 1-5 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1st Peter 1:1-2 Podcast The group to whom he is writing are the elect of God. This is important to remember as we work through 1 & 2 Peter. His audience is the elect and chosen of God. These are the true regenerated believers of God who have been sovereignly chosen by God grace and mercy! (Ephesians 1:4) . The elect exiles are truly exiles on this earth with Heaven being are home guaranteed (Rev 17:14) 1st Peter 1:3 Button We can look at the resurrection of Christ with a greater hope and assurance. Since He was resurrected from the dead as the first fruits, we who are born again have the promise that we shall be resurrected as He was at His coming to finally see hope complete. 1st Peter 1:4-6 Button Peter reminds these exiles of the living hope and the inheritance that is theirs because of the mercy of God. He encourages them to rejoice in this fact. He wants them to keep in their minds the good news and the future hope they have because as he is going to tell them, trials are coming and are necessary. This applies to us today as well. We know that trials have come and will come, but we are to rejoice and remember that we are exiles and that we have an inheritance that is being kept for us and we are being kept for our inheritance. 1st Peter 1:7 Button Peter is telling them the trials are coming and that the trials are necessary, but for them to remember what he had just told in the preceding verses: rejoice, you were born again to a living hope and have an inheritance that is being kept for you in Heaven.This world is temporary, but your inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, and will never fade away! God values your faith more than your temporary comfort, so know that the trials will come! God loves His children and values their faith so much that He will put them in the crucible to refine it! 1st Peter 1:8-12 Button We know that the hope of this world and the hopes spoken of in the Bible are not the same. The hope of the Bible and the promises of God are of full assurance to the believer. Faith is linked to this assurance which is an anchor for the soul. 1st Peter 1:13-16 Button The true and Holy God has called the believers to be holy and set apart for Him. While we are exiles in this world we are to renew our minds and set our hope on our inheritance that we are to receive as we will declare to the God who rescued…... .Holy, Holy, Holy! 1st Peter 1:17 Button The more we begin to understand who God is and the magnitude of His holiness, the more we would reverence and fear God. The more we reverse we fear and reverse God, the less we will sin. 1st Peter 1:18-21 Button Jesus paid the price for His sheep. This was a personal and absolute transaction. He would receive and redeem all whom He purchased on the cross. Jesus did not come to purchase all people, because if He would have redeemed all people by His blood on the cross, all people would be rescued and set free. Christ’s blood on the cross purchased everyone He intended to redeem and not one more or one less. Chris does not pay to redeem someone and then gets cheated and fails to not gain possession of that person. In the previous verse we see to whom Peter is talking to, those who call Him as Father. 1st Peter 1:22-25 Button The Gospel is the power of God unto to salvation (Romans 1:17) The call of the Gospel rings out across the planet, but the life changing Word of God and His Gospel will only take root in the cultivated soul of His elect. Since we don’t know who the elect are we evangelize like everyone we meet is and all that hear the Gospel and believe with a sincere heart of true contrite repentance, will find a perfect Savior! If you are a Christian, then know that prior to you hearing and believing the Word of God, God Himself was preparing the soil of your soul so that the truth of His Word would be the greatest news ever! 1st Peter 2:1 Button Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, and slander are all from our natural man that is unregenerate and are actions that the devil displays. To go against these things (malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander) mentioned in this verse is to go against our fallen nature. That is why it takes the super nature of regeneration to begin to produce actions that are opposite to our fallen naturel. It is only after we are born again can we then begin to lay these things aside as we are becoming more conformed to the image of God. If you are a Christian, put these things down and never pick them up again! 1st Peter 2:2-6 Button Peter is not meaning that we are to be content with basic and surface level understanding of the Bible. In other passages of scripture, those who are new or young in the faith are partaking of the “milk” of the Bible instead of the “meat.” Just as infants drink milk and are not ready for meat, the same goes to new converts who partake of the milk at first and then as they grow in their faith, they will begin to be partakers of the meat or rather the deeper things of God and His Word. The milk or surface level things of His Word are meant for infants in the faith, but sadly many people who have been Christians for a long time are still on the milk of the Word. The Bible repeatedly states that those who are partaking of the milk or surface level things of God despite how long they have been a Christian are infants. God commands us to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18) and being surface level is not what the Bible commands for a Christian. 1st Peter 2:7-12 Button We can only let our light shine if He has called the light into our souls. To His people, He has made His face shine upon us and lifted His countenance upon us (Numbers 6:24-26) and the ultimate completion of Him shining His light upon and in us will be in our eternal home! 1st Peter 2:13-20 Button When we are treated unjustly, we are not to repay evil with evil, but are to give all vengeance to God who will always bring perfect vengeance and vindication to those who suffer unjustly (Romans 12:17-21) ,(Luke 18:1-8) . No suffering is without purpose! 1st Peter 2:21-24 Button The lashes that Jesus took on his body was punishment that He was taking in our place. The injuries from the whip and the lashings looked like stripes on His back and those stripes were the punishment He took in our place. It is by those stripes and His blood that we escape the punishment and penalty of sin. Every lash of the whip, every punch, every slap, every scourge, the crown of thorns, every bone, nails in the hands and feet, the crucifixion, and the wrath of God was what we deserved. However, Christ came to die in the place of His sheep. The Good Shepherd came to lay His life down for His sheep (John 10:11) and the unblemished blood of the Lamb as a result of His stripes and wounds, would be the spiritual healing for His elect. 1st Peter 2:25 Button The Good Shepherd willingly laid down His life for the sheep (John 10:11) and bore their sins in His body (1 Peter 2:24) and as a result of what the Shepherd did in His life and in His death, verse 25 is possible. 1st Peter 3:1-7 Button The Bible does not tell husbands to love your wife as Christ loved the Church and to be ready to lay your life down for her only when she is submissive. The Bible does not tell wives to only be submissive when your husband loves them like Christ loves the Church. Husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the Church even when she isn’t submissive and does not display a quiet and gentle spirit. Wives are to be submissive to their husbands even when he doesn’t love her as he should. Each is commanded to be obedient in their roles as unto the Lord even if the other person is not fulfilling their role. 1st Peter 3:8-10 Button Our words are either a sword or a stitch. We can make and open wounds or we can stitch wounds with our words. However, the greatest stitch and healing of wounds is not our words, but the words of God! (Psalm 147:3) 1st Peter 3:11-12 Button God welcomes the prayers of His children. Our prayers do not change God’s mind. God has ordained all things that will come to pass by His sovereign decree before the foundation of the world and our prayers do not change His plan A. However, God has ordained our prayers and He uses them as instrumental causes to bring about His sovereign plan. Our prayers are included in the providential plan of God’s sovereign decree. Prayer does not change the will of God, but as we grow in sanctification, it will change us to submit to the will of God. 1st Peter 3:13-15a Button Peter is going to then instruct every believer not only to sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart, but also to be ready at all times to make a defense of the gospel and an account for the hope that is within us. The question that must be asked is: what do you believe and why do you believe it? 1st Peter 3:15b-18 Button The spirit that raised Christ, will raise us one day. Since Christ has been resurrected from the dead our hope is living. This is the hope that we are called to be always ready to make a defense. 1st Peter 3:19-22 Button Peter wants to reassure his readers that no matter who or what comes against you or no matter what comes in our lives, we can have peace knowing our God is on His throne ruling and reigning as we speak. After his mission and work was completed, Christ ascended into Heaven. He is the supreme ruler and sovereign God over all the universe. Everything and everyone is in subjection to Him. 1st Peter 4:1-6 Button Christ suffered in this world. Isaiah 53 is the chapter on the suffering servant which is referring to Christ. Peter has already stated in this epistle that Christ has suffered for us as an example (1 Peter 2:21) . Not only did Jesus suffer unjustly, but the ultimate suffering in the flesh was His death on the cross 1st Peter 4:7 Button We are closer to Heaven than we have ever been. We are inching closer and closer to our glorification and the completion of our salvation. Therefore, we don’t lose heart, but rather set our thoughts and attention on our inheritance that awaits even in the middle of suffering. While we wait eagerly for the redemption of our bodies in glory, we are to continue to grow in sanctification, for this is the will of God. 1st Peter 4:8-9 Button Think about the love of God upon you. Think about all the sins He has covered. Think about His compassion and patience He has had on you, even though you have disobeyed the sovereign holy God of the universe. Think about when you sin, He is always ready to forgive His people. Think about the sacrificial love He has shown. We are to love like He loves 1st Peter 4:10-11 Button At the end of this verse, Peter breaks out in a doxology with a declaration that God be glorified. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “glory” was the word kavod. This word carried the meaning and idea of the weightiness of God in regards to His being and to His intrinsic glory. The Greek word “doxa” is where we derive the word “glory.” This is where the word doxology comes from, meaning that we give glory, praise, and worship to God. Throughout the Bible, the authors of the books of the Bible burst out into doxology in the middle of their writings when they consider the glory of God. The greater knowledge and theology of who God is, the greater praise and glory will be given to God. Higher theology=higher doxology. 1st Peter 4:12-19 Button It is hardest to trust Him when trials and suffering are on us. We feel the weight of the sufferings, but we must remember that God is good and faithful and the sufferings of this present time are not to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us (Romans 8:18 ). The glory that will be revealed will be in our eternal home and all suffering, tears, mourning, death, and pain will be gone (Revelation 21:1-7) . We will know every trial, judgment, and suffering was worth it! 1st Peter 5:1-4 Button Although the Bible refers to the elders as those who are called by God to shepherd the flock of God, we must remember that all the sheep are God’s sheep. Christ is referred to as the Chief Shepherd. He is addressing the elders who are called to shepherd His sheep and ensuring them that those who are faithful to their position and calling as shepherds of His sheep on earth, will receive an unfading crown of glory when the Chief Shepherd appears! 1st Peter 5:5-7 Button Why would He want us to cast our anxieties on Him? He cares for us! No one has or ever will care for you more than God! God cares for you! Let that sink in! 1st Peter 5:8-14 Button Satan will accuse us continually. We have no problem being accused of things that are not true. However, what about when what he accuses us of is true? This is a tactic that he uses to discourage and cause doubt in believers. Questions and doubts may arise in our minds from such accusations such as “How could a Christian really do that?” or “How could God ever forgive me?”
- Sermon On The Mount | The Acts Church
The Sermon On The Mount The sermon on the mount is a sermon given by the greatest preacher ever, Jesus. This sermon was given early in Jesus’ ministry and covers a wide range of important topics which many considered radical and turned their world upside down. He is correcting and teaching the true meaning of the law and the word of God which has been hijacked and distorted by the rabbis, scribes, and Pharisees. His sermon covered the beatitudes, exegeting the true meaning of the law and commandments, how to pray to the Father, righteous living as a Christian, and what is required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus stated many times throughout this sermon “you have heard it said, but I say to you” as He is showing authority as the supreme teacher who spoke with all authority. The sermon He gave that day is just as relevant to us today to live a life honoring and pleasing God. We have the sermon notes from God Himself, and we would be wise to listen! Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Matt. 7:24-29 Listen Now Sitting on the side of a mountain, the greatest preacher ever, delivered the greatest sermon ever. The words that He spoke have all authority and are all truth. We have heard His words. Do we believe His words? Do we act on and obey His words? If so, we are standing on the rock of ages and can say with all sincerity, affection, and love: Lord, Lord! Matt. 7:21-23 Listen Now Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of the Father. A profession of faith does not save anyone, but a possession of faith does. “Lord, Lord” speaks of true affection for Jesus. However, those who are not true believers although they may declare they love the Lord in actuality do not love Him. How can one be sure that they are numbered among the elect? Do you love the Biblical Jesus? If we can honestly and sincerely from the depths of our souls answer that question “yes” then we must know that love for Him doesn’t come from an unregenerate heart. If we have true affection for Jesus, it is because He has removed our heart of stone and given us a new heart that beats with affection for Him via regeneration. If we love Him we will keep His commands which is the will of the Father. Only by the Spirit can we call Him Lord, Lord and mean it from the depths of our souls. One day He will not say depart, but rather will speak the most beautiful words a creature can hear which comes from Matthew 25:34: “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Matt. 7:13-20 Listen Now The broad way is the easy way as this is the path all humanity’s feet hit running when we are born. Only through the mercy and grace of God and faith in Jesus who is the gate do our path and way change. We then begin walking on the narrow way which can difficult way full of testing, persecution, and cross carrying. This is the way least traveled. However, this way is worth traveling because it has the greatest destination a creature could ever arrive. The destination is our eternal home where we have eternal life. Only those who have entered by the small gate can one day enter the gates of glory! Keep walking, it’s worth it! Matt. 7:1-12 Listen Now Do not judge, so that you will not be judged which can also be translated “do not condemn, so that you will not be condemned.” Let us not be people that walk around with a spirit of condemnation and self-righteous, hypocritical judgment upon others. Christ is the only one who can condemn as He demonstrated in the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11 as He is the only One without sin as the perfect eternal judge. He would have been fully just to condemn everyone of us. However, to the believer He has extended mercy and forgiveness through justification. As a result of justification, we who stood to be condemned now have no condemnation through His imputed righteousness upon us. All who are saved have heard the words the woman caught in adultery heard, “I do not condemn you. Go. From now on sin no more.” There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1) . As Christians who have escaped condemnation and have been forgiven of the most, let us reflect this in our attitudes and actions toward others as we seek to help them rather than destroy them. Let us examine ourselves first and remove the log from our eyes so that we can then with sincere motives help our brothers and sisters to grow in sanctification so they like the woman can strive to go and sin no more. Matt. 6:25-34 Listen Now If Jesus were to look us eye to eye and tell us not to worry about the current situation that we are worried about and that He is working everything out for good, would we stop worrying and believe Him? He is not physically speaking to our ears to tell us that, but He is speaking that very truth to our spiritual ears to our souls through His word. Do we know that He is working all things out together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose and that He does all things well? God has decreed all things that come to pass before the foundation of the world and our worry will never change His plan. Rather, let us remember who He is and trust Him in all things including in our daily provision. Let our minds not be consumed with worry, which is futile, but let our minds be consumed with seeking after His kingdom and His righteousness. The more we know Him and the more our faith grows, the less anxious and worry filled we should be. Why should we worry as plan A is running flawlessly full steam ahead as we speak! Jesus is telling us not to worry or be anxious. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! Matt. 6:14-24 Listen Now Every Christian has the most precious and priceless treasures that any creature can ever have: salvation, eternal life, dwelling with God, and an inheritance in our eternal home. In a world that values and seeks after wealth and material things, let us keep our gaze fixed upon the Kingdom of Heaven where our treasures are being stored up. On treasure maps “x marks the spot” of where the treasure is found. The map we have is God’s Holy Word and we know exactly where our treasure is located. Our treasure is found in Christ and the Kingdom of God to where our treasures are being stored up and kept. So let us persevere following the map of God’s Word with our eyes fixed upon our eternal home. One day we will reap the bounty of these treasures as we dwell forever with God. We can be confident that our treasures and our inheritance will not rust, fade, or be stolen as they are being kept by God omnipotent. Not only is He keeping out inheritance for us, but He is keeping us for our inheritance and treasure! For where treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt. 6:12-13 Listen Now We are commanded to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17 ) yet prayer is something we all struggle with. His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and our desire should be the same. Here in the sermon on the mount we get to hear Jesus teach us how to pray as He gives us this model for prayer. Let us surrender our prayer life into conformity with His teaching. Let us understand the undeserved privilege to address the eternal God as Father. Let our petition be that the name of our Father continuously be holy in our words and actions. Let us pray that the kingdom of God and the things of will take priority in our lives as we seek the kingdom of God first and display that He is King over all including our lives. Let us pray that God we surrender and pray that the decretive will of God that we may not know to be done as we trust Him will all our souls. Let us also pray that sanctification which is the preceptive will of God be our will and be done in our lives every second of our lives. Let us then pray that God mercifully supply our daily needs. Let us pray that we understand the debt that we could not pay and be in continuous thanks for Christ paying our debt by His blood on the cross as He declared tetelestai. As Christ has forgiven us and no longer holds our sins against our account, let us pray that we would forgive as Christ has forgiven us. Let us pray that God would keep us from temptation and from the assault of the enemy lest we stumble. However, if we are tempted and tested let us pray that God deliver us as He is the only means of escape. As we reflect on this prayer and all that is teaches, let our souls and voices lift up doxology to our God to whom belongs all glory, majesty, dominion, and authority from before and now and forever. Let us remember the two rules for prayer: 1.) Remember to whom you are speaking. 2) Remember who you are. “Lord teach us to pray.” As Jesus said in this prayer “Pray then in this way.” Matt. 6:11 Listen Now We see God showing He is the provider in Genesis 22:14 when Abraham called the place on Mount Moriah “the Lord will provide” speaking of the true sacrifice God would provide in this area many years later in the way of Christ His only begotten Son. We are to petition for God to mercifully provide for our daily needs as we are daily dependent upon Him for everything. Give us this day our daily bread should be our daily petition as He is our provider. Above all He provided His Son who is the true bread of Life and we need Him not just daily, but every second of the day! All whom the Father has mercy given the Bread of Life to will not hunger this day or for all eternity! Matt. 6:10 Listen Now We see how the model of prayer that Jesus is teaching builds on itself. We must first realize whom we are praying to and the privilege it is to call the eternal God our Father. We are then to pray that we reverence His name as holy in our mouths and also in our actions. As the desire to make His name hallowed in our lives grows, we will then desire and pray that His kingdom and rule will be in every aspect of our lives. Him being in complete rule and kingship in all aspects of our lives will result in a desire and growth in our obedience to His will that is revealed in His Word which is sanctification. Jesus is teaching a model for prayer in this verse, but He also showed us by example when in the garden He prayed “your will be done” as Christ was desiring the eternal will of the Father be accomplished as He lived a life of full obedience to the Law and to the Father. Christ inaugurated the kingdom at His first coming and is reigning now, waiting for the day He returns to consummate the kingdom. While we are on earth let us our lives reflect His kingship in all aspects of our lives. Let our lives also reflect our surrender to His efficacious and preceptive wills as we trust His will eternal decrees and long for sanctification in our lives. Let our petition be as instructed by our Lord in His sermon on the mount “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt. 6:9 (Part 2) Listen Now Let the petition spoken by Jesus that the name of God be holy arise from the depths of our souls and find its place on our lips, in our minds, and in all aspects of our lives. His name is holy for He is holy. We must remember to whom we are speaking to when we pray and how holy His name is. What we think of His name and how we treat His name reveals what we think of Him. One cannot truly worship God in spirit and truth with awe and reverence when they don’t reverence His holy name. How important is God’s name to us? Does honoring, reverencing, and making His name holy in our lives rise to the top of our prayer requests? It is of the utmost importance to God Himself. Let us also come to prayer holding to this petition that our lives would declare the holiness of God and His name as we ascribe glory due His holy and awesome name. As we come to prayer, let us remember what a privilege it is to be able to call God Abba, Father, just as Christ did. Let us also see the weight and focus on God’s name being reverenced and being made holy in our lives. May our prayers begin with the same focus and as Jesus instructs us “Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name!” Matt. 6:9 (Part 1) Listen Now What a privilege it is to come to prayer and as unworthy rebel creature that was made from the dust and call the eternal holy God “Father.” This is not brought about by any merit of ourselves, but by our adoptions as sons via the union with His only begotten Son. The eternal Son was with the Father before the world was and before the world was the Father was loving His Son. It is that same love the Father has upon His Son that He shows to His elect as he adopts them as sons in union with His eternal Son. As Jesus cried out in the Garden “Abba, Father” now we to can cry out the same thing to God the Father as a result of our sonship with God. We can prayer “Father” because He cried “my God, my God” as He was dying for us. So let us never come to prayer casually or irreverently, but rather let us understand the incomprehensible privilege to pray “our Father who is in Heaven.” Matt. 6:1-8 Listen Now Prayer is vital and essential in the life of a Christian. Being able to come before the throne of the Living God in prayer is an incomprehensible privilege that should never be taken flippantly or irreverently. When we pray, we must always remember to whom we are speaking to and then in return remember who we are. When we do these things, the prayer of the heart, with more and more frequency, will in reverence, trust, and worship cry out “not my will, but yours be done.” Matt. 5:48 Listen Now Therefore, you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. This is the standard of God and this is immutable. This is impossible for us to achieve as fallen creatures, which is the bad news. It is only when one understands the bad news can one truly understand and be in awe of the good news found in Christ alone. The righteousness that merits our entrance into Heaven is not our own, but rather the imputed righteousness and perfection of Jesus upon us. This is the good news of the gospel. We can’t, Christ did! The death of Christ (passive obedience) is vital to the gospel and our salvation. As equally as importance is the perfect life He lived fulfilling all righteousness (active obedience) on behalf of all the Father had given Him. Without the righteousness of Christ imputed to us through faith alone we have no hope. Let us never be idolatrous and arrogant to think we can achieve the righteousness that is required on our own. Justification in which we are declared righteous by faith alone (sola fide) strikes at the heart of the gospel. Justification by faith alone is non-negotiable and to preach anything else is to preach another gospel (Galatians 1:6-10) . This is a hill worth dying on because on a hill 2,00 years ago the one who lived a perfect life and fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law became sin and died so I could become the righteousness of God in Him! Matt. 5:38-47 Listen Now Christians are not to return slap for slap but are rather instructed to turn the other cheek. There is a small detail in this verse that gives insight into the meaning of this verse. Since most people are right hand dominant, to be slapped on the right cheek would mean that one would be slapped with the back of the hand. Being slapped with the back of the hand is insulting, degrading, and showing disdain for someone. We see this in our own culture today with the phrase “that was a slap in the face” to indicate something that is hurtful, insulting, and ever slanderous. Jesus is teaching to avoid personal retaliation which would result in sin just as the one who slaps you, but rather we are show the love of God and be salt and light. We often want to get one up and get more than revenge on people that wrong us, but we are to let God take care of the vengeance. What is implied by turning the other cheek is that being in this world that hates God and the things of God, those who bear His name and live for Him can expect continued persecution, slander, and difficulty. Jesus is speaking in this context to personal matters and not to matters of self-defense, government/law enforcement to maintain law, or necessary military defense. Matt. 5:33-37 Listen Now God swore by nothing greater that Himself when making the promise to Abram in Genesis 15 . In swearing by Himself, He was saying if He doesn’t come through on His promise of the Abrahamic covenant, then He will die and cease being God which means we have no hope of heaven. However, the good news is that He cannot die or lie, and we know His promise is eternal as all His promises are yes. As children of God let us be like Him and let our yes be yes and our no be no. Matt. 5:27-32 Listen Now It is better to enter Heaven blind and lame, than to see while running into hell! Matt. 5:20-26 Part B Listen Now God looks at the heart. As in water face reflects face, so the heart reflects man (Proverbs 27:19) . From the heart comes the inclination, motives, and desire of a man. Jesus is teaching that murder is not just in an outward action, but from within the heart. As believers we are to love as Christ loved and this is only done by a heart that has been regenerated by the power of God. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, but this can only be accomplished by loving the Lord our God. We only love Him because He first loved us! Matt. 5:20-26 Part A Listen Now God is concerned about who you really are as opposed to what you appear to be. God knows what is in man as He looks at the heart. Those whose righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees are those whose heart have been born again. Matt. 5:17-20 Listen Now Once we are justified and grow in sanctification we are to pursue, hunger, and thirst for righteousness. Unlike the pharisees who quest for righteousness was external, those who are born again worship in spirit and truth and desire God and His righteousness from the soul. We are to delight in the law of God (Psalm 1:1-2) , meditate (Psalm 119:97) on His word, and strive for obedience down to the smallest letter and stroke because we love Him. We only love Him because He first loved us. “So thankful for the active obedience of Christ no hope without it.” - J.G Machen Matt. 5:13-16 Listen Now Starting at verse 13, Jesus begins to discuss the impact the blessed ones will have on society and the world. Verses 10-12 that speak about being persecuted for righteousness thrusts us into verses 13-16. The blessed ones who are righteousness will be persecuted, but we are to stand firm and be the salt and the light of the earth in a world that is corrupt and decaying and full of darkness. Christians are salt and light; it is not optional. Christians are to have an impact and influence on the society and those around them. Matt. 5:10-12 Listen Now Those who are blessed are those who are covered in the imputed righteousness of Christ. The fallen world hates God and righteousness and without righteousness there is no peace. That is why those who hunger and thirst after righteousness and are being conformed to the image of God will be persecuted. This persecution is a blessing as it is what we as His children have been called to. Let us not respond to persecution with unrighteousness, but rather with righteousness. Let us not be discouraged, but rather rejoice. Those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed and theirs is the kingdom of God and every second of persecution will be more than worth it when we see Him as He is. Let us rethink what it means to be persecuted for righteousness as it means we are blessed. So what are we to do in our persecution for righteousness? Rejoice! Matt. 5:9 Listen Now At the moment of our justification there is a declaration that “the war is over” and there is peace between us and God. This is not a temporary cease fire or just a momentary truce, but rather a peace that is eternal. Righteousness is required for peace and at the moment of our justification we are clothed in the imputed righteousness of Christ forever which means that we have eternal peace with God. Knowing this truth, we as children of God are to be peacemakers first and most importantly by sharing the news of peace to all that we know that are at war with God. The Christians is not just a peacekeeper, but a peacemaker. There is no peace in the life of a non-believer and there never will be until peace is made by justification which is brought about by faith in gospel of peace and faith in Jesus Christ our righteousness. Being a peacemaker does not always mean avoiding a conflict, but it means that righteousness must be present as we see when we look at the cross. When people look at the cross, they may see torture, violence, bloodshed, vile actions of men, unimaginable evil, and conflict. However, if we carefully we see peace. The righteousness of Christ through His death and through His blood, brought us peace. How does one know they are born again and a true child of God? They are peacemakers. Matt. 5:8 Listen Now God told Moses “I am.” He is not becoming anything, rather He is the only true being. We have our existence and being in Him (Acts 17:28) . Who made God? He is! Where did God come from? He is! We have not seen God, but we love Him (1 Peter 1:8-9) . However, one day we will see Him and see Him as He is! Matt. 5:7 Listen Now God is displeased when we who have been shown the most mercy are the most stingy distributing mercy to others. We must remember that we as the blessed ones are poor in spirit who are beggars with a hand outstretched for God’s mercy. Those who God has been merciful to, we are to extend that mercy as this is a characteristic of the regenerate person. The greatest realization and fulfillment of mercy is when we who were spiritually poor beggars and paupers are welcomed into the kingdom of Kings of Kings. If anyone asks the reason we are allowed in the Kingdom of God, the myriads and myriads of people there will give the reason with this word: Mercy! How blessed it that! Matt. 5:6 Listen Now Hunger and thirst after righteousness is a sign of regeneration. The blessed one that hungers and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied. Their souls on this earth will be satisfied, but at the same time year for more righteousness. However, the greatest fulfillment is this when we enter the Kingdom of God where righteousness dwells. The blessed one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be forever satisfied in glory with Christ who is the Bread of Life (John 6:35) and the Living Water (John 4:7-14, John 7:37-38) ! Matt. 5:5 Part B Listen Now Being meek and gentle is not an optional characteristic or attribute of a Christian, but rather a characteristic of everyone who will be in Heaven. To be meek one must be born again as they by the Holy Spirit are poor in spirit and mourn over their sin. Meekness begins with the vertical aspect in regards to our meekness to God. We are to be meek to God and in total submission and obedience to His Sovereign authority. To be meek is to be humbled before God knowing that we deserve absolutely nothing and all that we have is from God to whom we are in total submission. This vertical meekness is the only thing that allows us to be meek toward others which is the horizontal aspect of meekness. The same humility that the blessed one has toward God, is to be shown toward other people as we live in humility with Christ being our example. One can’t be meek toward others if they are not meek before God as the horizontal can’t be present without the vertical. The attitude and love one has toward others is an indication of the attitude and the love they have toward God. Matt. 5:5 Part A Listen Now True meekness is found in testing. This is where meekness or submission to God is the most sincere. The meek person is humble, gentle, and in submission to God and that results in the meek person saying, “not my will, but yours be done.” Matt. 5:4 Listen Now The true blessedness is not in the mourning, but rather in the comfort! Matt. 5:1-3 Listen Now This is the first sermon Jesus gave in His earthly ministry. When a rabbi would teach in the synagogue, he would sit down to teach instead of standing. We The teacher sitting down was a way of saying “class is about to start, listen up.” We see another example of this when Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. Luke 4:14-21
- About | The Acts Church
What We Believe 1689 London Baptist Confession Of Faith 1. Of The Holy Scriptures 2. God and The Holy Trinity 3. God's Decree 4. Creation 5. Divine Providence 6. The Fall Of Mankind, and Sin, and Its Punishments 7. God's Covenant 8. Christ the Mediator 9. Free Will 10. Effectual Calling 11. Justification 12. Adoption 13. Sanctification 14. Saving Faith 15. Repentance to Life and Salvation 16. Good Works 17. The Perseverance Of the Saints 18. Assurance Of Grace and Salvation 19. The Law Of God 20. The Gospel and the Extent of Its Grace 21. Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience 22. Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day 23. Lawful Oaths and Vows 24. Civil Government 25. Marriage 26. The Church 27. The Communion of Saints 28. Baptism and the Lord's Supper 29. Baptism 30. The Lord's Supper 31. The State of Humanity after Death and the Resurrection of the Dead 32. The Last Judgement
- 1st Peter Ch. 2 Sermon Notes | The Acts Church
The 1st Letter Of Peter Peter is writing to the elect of God who are exiles in a foreign land. He is writing to them to encourage them and remind them that sufferings and trials are coming and are guarantees, but to not to be discouraged because the trials are from God and are to refine their faith. Suffering, testing, and persecution are coming and we are to look to Christ as our example on how to respond as Peter will labor in this letter to the chosen of God. Peter will encourage and remind his audience that they are strangers and exiles that are not in their true home and they are to keep their eyes upon their forever home in heaven where their inheritance is waiting. Christians have an inheritance that is being reserved for them and they are being reserved for their inheritance. This will be finally complete when we as exiles take our first step home! Chapters 1-5 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1st Peter 2:1 Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, and slander are all from our natural man that is unregenerate and are actions that the devil displays. To go against these things (malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander) mentioned in this verse is to go against our fallen nature. That is why it takes the super nature of regeneration to begin to produce actions that are opposite to our fallen naturel. It is only after we are born again can we then begin to lay these things aside as we are becoming more conformed to the image of God. If you are a Christian, put these things down and never pick them up again! 1st Peter 2:2-6 Peter is not meaning that we are to be content with basic and surface level understanding of the Bible. In other passages of scripture, those who are new or young in the faith are partaking of the “milk” of the Bible instead of the “meat.” Just as infants drink milk and are not ready for meat, the same goes to new converts who partake of the milk at first and then as they grow in their faith, they will begin to be partakers of the meat or rather the deeper things of God and His Word. The milk or surface level things of His Word are meant for infants in the faith, but sadly many people who have been Christians for a long time are still on the milk of the Word. The Bible repeatedly states that those who are partaking of the milk or surface level things of God despite how long they have been a Christian are infants. God commands us to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18) and being surface level is not what the Bible commands for a Christian. 1st Peter 2:7-12 We can only let our light shine if He has called the light into our souls. To His people, He has made His face shine upon us and lifted His countenance upon us (Numbers 6:24-26) and the ultimate completion of Him shining His light upon and in us will be in our eternal home! 1st Peter 2:13-20 When we are treated unjustly, we are not to repay evil with evil, but are to give all vengeance to God who will always bring perfect vengeance and vindication to those who suffer unjustly (Romans 12:17-21) ,(Luke 18:1-8) . No suffering is without purpose! 1st Peter 2:21-24 The lashes that Jesus took on his body was punishment that He was taking in our place. The injuries from the whip and the lashings looked like stripes on His back and those stripes were the punishment He took in our place. It is by those stripes and His blood that we escape the punishment and penalty of sin. Every lash of the whip, every punch, every slap, every scourge, the crown of thorns, every bone, nails in the hands and feet, the crucifixion, and the wrath of God was what we deserved. However, Christ came to die in the place of His sheep. The Good Shepherd came to lay His life down for His sheep (John 10:11) and the unblemished blood of the Lamb as a result of His stripes and wounds, would be the spiritual healing for His elect. 1st Peter 2:25 The Good Shepherd willingly laid down His life for the sheep (John 10:11) and bore their sins in His body (1 Peter 2:24) and as a result of what the Shepherd did in His life and in His death, verse 25 is possible.
- 2nd Peter Chapter 2 Sermon Notes | The Acts Church
The 2nd Letter Of Peter Peter is again writing to the same group of people as he wrote to in 1 Peter, which are those chosen of God who are exiles. The theme of this epistle is different from the theme of his first epistle. Peter is encouraging his audience to study, know, and stand on the Word of God because false teachers and false prophets will be all around them, trying to destroy the church. This truth is the same with us, as we today, are to stand on the authority of God’s Word and contend for the faith. Peter closes this epistle by exhorting all believers to grow in the grace and knowledge Jesus Christ and this is done through the study of His sacred Scriptures. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapters 1-3 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2nd Peter 2:1a These are the words of truth versus words of lies, the words of freedom versus the words of bondage, the words of life versus the words of death! 2nd Peter 2:1b Chapter 2 is a continuation from the idea that Peter labored at the end of Chapter 1. He made it clear that the Old Testament prophets were carried along by the Holy Spirit to record the words of God. The prophetic word of the Old Testament was made more sure by the incarnation of Christ as Peter was an eyewitness. The same is true to the New Testament authors as they too were carried along by the Holy Spirit to record the God breathed(theopneustos) words. The origin of Scripture is God (not man), but God used men as instruments that He carried along by the Holy Spirit. Peter drives home the point that God was the origin of the words spoken by the true prophets of God in the Old Testament as compared to the false prophets whose words come from their own fallen heart and not from God. The whole matter comes down to the source and the origin of the words: God or man? 2nd Peter 2:1c This verse is not in reference to being bought in a redemptive way. This verse does not speak of a general atonement for all people with the death of Christ on the cross. We have clear scripture throughout the Bible that speaks to a particular redemption for the elect (John 10:28) (Romans 8:29-30) (Acts 20:28) (Hebrews 7, 9, 10) . We must not take one passage of scripture, read it on the surface level, and then dismiss all the other numerous clear texts on the atonement for the sheep in the death of Jesus. We must ask ourselves, is the word “Master” being used here in this context speaking of Jesus of God the Father? What point is Peter trying to convey to these people He is writing to? What is in view here in regards to being bought? 2nd Peter 2:2-11 These false teachers are not Christians but are rather following the sinful desires of their unregenerate hearts. They do not love God, but rather serve another “god”….themselves. 2nd Peter 2:12-22 These false teachers and heretics are compared to unreasoning animals or brute beasts who are born as creatures of instinct. The wild beasts act in accordance with their natural instincts whereas these false teachers act according to the nature we are all born into which is a fallen sinful nature which is hostile to God. They revile even angelic beings which they have no understanding or knowledge of which is something even the holy angels will not do even to the fallen angels. Just as the wild unreasoning animals are captured and destroyed so is the fate of false teachers and heretics by the hand of God.
- 1st Peter Ch. 4 Sermon Notes | The Acts Church
The 1st Letter Of Peter Peter is writing to the elect of God who are exiles in a foreign land. He is writing to them to encourage them and remind them that sufferings and trials are coming and are guarantees, but to not to be discouraged because the trials are from God and are to refine their faith. Suffering, testing, and persecution are coming and we are to look to Christ as our example on how to respond as Peter will labor in this letter to the chosen of God. Peter will encourage and remind his audience that they are strangers and exiles that are not in their true home and they are to keep their eyes upon their forever home in heaven where their inheritance is waiting. Christians have an inheritance that is being reserved for them and they are being reserved for their inheritance. This will be finally complete when we as exiles take our first step home! Chapters 1-5 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1st Peter 4:1-6 Christ suffered in this world. Isaiah 53 is the chapter on the suffering servant which is referring to Christ. Peter has already stated in this epistle that Christ has suffered for us as an example (1 Peter 2:21) . Not only did Jesus suffer unjustly, but the ultimate suffering in the flesh was His death on the cross 1st Peter 4:7 We are closer to Heaven than we have ever been. We are inching closer and closer to our glorification and the completion of our salvation. Therefore, we don’t lose heart, but rather set our thoughts and attention on our inheritance that awaits even in the middle of suffering. While we wait eagerly for the redemption of our bodies in glory, we are to continue to grow in sanctification, for this is the will of God. 1st Peter 4:8-9 Think about the love of God upon you. Think about all the sins He has covered. Think about His compassion and patience He has had on you, even though you have disobeyed the sovereign holy God of the universe. Think about when you sin, He is always ready to forgive His people. Think about the sacrificial love He has shown. We are to love like He loves 1st Peter 4:10-11 At the end of this verse, Peter breaks out in a doxology with a declaration that God be glorified. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “glory” was the word kavod. This word carried the meaning and idea of the weightiness of God in regards to His being and to His intrinsic glory. The Greek word “doxa” is where we derive the word “glory.” This is where the word doxology comes from, meaning that we give glory, praise, and worship to God. Throughout the Bible, the authors of the books of the Bible burst out into doxology in the middle of their writings when they consider the glory of God. The greater knowledge and theology of who God is, the greater praise and glory will be given to God. Higher theology=higher doxology. 1st Peter 4:12-19 It is hardest to trust Him when trials and suffering are on us. We feel the weight of the sufferings, but we must remember that God is good and faithful and the sufferings of this present time are not to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us (Romans 8:18 ). The glory that will be revealed will be in our eternal home and all suffering, tears, mourning, death, and pain will be gone (Revelation 21:1-7) . We will know every trial, judgment, and suffering was worth it!
- 2nd Peter Chapter 1 Sermon Notes | The Acts Church
The 2nd Letter Of Peter Peter is again writing to the same group of people as he wrote to in 1 Peter, which are those chosen of God who are exiles. The theme of this epistle is different from the theme of his first epistle. Peter is encouraging his audience to study, know, and stand on the Word of God because false teachers and false prophets will be all around them, trying to destroy the church. This truth is the same with us, as we today, are to stand on the authority of God’s Word and contend for the faith. Peter closes this epistle by exhorting all believers to grow in the grace and knowledge Jesus Christ and this is done through the study of His sacred Scriptures. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapters 1-3 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2nd Peter 1:1a Regeneration or being “born again” precedes faith. Regeneration is a supernatural act from God and not by our flesh. The Holy Spirit invades the souls of the elect and changes the disposition of their minds, souls, and wills toward the things God which they previously hated. He removes the heart of stone and gives them a heart of flesh. The one who was dead in sins and trespasses is raised to spiritual life. It is a sovereign act of God. In regeneration we are changed and are new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17) . This is not turning over a new leaf, but a life changing event by the supernatural work of God. The one who previously hated God and was hostile now begins to have affection and love for Christ. We are as passive in our spiritual birth as we are in a natural birth. Being born again or regenerated is initiated and performed by God and God alone. In the parable of the sower in Luke 8:4-15 , there are 4 different soils mentioned. This is the state of the hearts prior to hearing the Word of God which is the seed in this parable. How did the good soil become good soil before hearing and receiving the Word of God? The good soil is good because God had tilled and cultivated the soil in regeneration. He prepared and changed the soil to be ready to receive the Gospel with gladness and sincerity. When the heart that has been regenerated (good soil) hears the Word of God and the Gospel (the seed), faith springs forth and results in salvation and justification. 2nd Peter 1:1b If one doesn’t believe that Jesus is God, then they don’t believe in the Jesus of the Bible. If one doesn’t accept the Son as God as He truly is, they can’t have the Father or eternal life. Knowing and believing Jesus is God is a necessity to true faith. If Jesus is not God, then He was born in original sin and unable to save us. If Jesus is not God, then He wouldn’t have precious unblemished blood to redeem His people. If Jesus is not God, then a creature would be attempting to rescue fallen rebel creatures. Jesus is God and came to save and purchase His church (Acts 20:28) The doctrine of the Trinity is vital to the Christian faith. For every Christian, we have been saved, rescued, and redeemed by our only Savior and God, the great I AM!!!!! 2nd Peter 1:2 Growing in grace is not measured by time, involvement in church activities, or feelings, but is rather measured in light of the knowledge one has of God which is then applied practically in our lives. We have a peace that surpasses all comprehension and a grace that’s amazing, let us grow in the knowledge of those things and of our God!!! Higher theology = higher doxology!! 2nd Peter 1:3 He called us not because of our merit, actions, or righteousness, but by His own GLORY and EXCELLENCE! 2nd Peter 1:4 Those who are chosen from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-6) have a promise of God for salvation and glorification (Romans 8:29-30) . It is these to which He has set His love upon, that He effectually calls. By His divine power He causes them to be born again and to become partakers of the divine nature of God as He indwells them with the Holy Spirit which is a seal (Ephesians 1:13-14)(Ephesians 4:30) and a help throughout life. In this divine act of mercy and power, He transforms us and rescues us from the power and corruption of sin and by His indwelling presence in us, leads us to sanctification and conformity to the image of God, to which the elect have been predestined (Romans 8:29) . Throughout this life He has by His power and Spirit granted us all things for life and godliness due to partaking of His divine nature by His divine power (2 Peter 1:3-4) . This will be seen at its fullest in eternity as we will be a partaker of the Divine forever and ever as we are dwelling with Him and have a body that is in conformity with the body of His glory (Phil 3:20-21)(1 John 3:1-2) . This end for His people is a result of His divine power, His mercy, His grace, His precious and magnificent promises, His glory, and His excellence!! 2nd Peter 1:5-15 Peter wants the church to be able to recall all the things he has taught them after his death to defend the faith, the church, and God. 2nd Peter 1:16-21 Peter did follow or proclaim tales, myths, or fables when he declared the power and the coming of God. What he had proclaimed was truth as he was an eyewitness of the majesty of God. Peter did not die for a tale that was not true, but rather died as a martyr for God and the truth of God.
- The Letter of Paul To The Romans | The Acts Church
The Letter Of Paul To The Romans The Letter Of Paul To The Romans... (To Be Edited) Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1 Notes 1
- Types And Shadows | The Acts Church
Types And Shadows Of Christ The Old Testament is full of examples of Christ, His Resurrection, and His Glorification. These notes are simply a resource to reveal the true depth of not only the Old Testament, but also the deep connection between The Old and The New Covenant. Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Passover When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption as sons. The exact time for Christ to take on flesh and to enter His creation was ordained and determined before the foundation of the world. The exact date and time that the eternal Son of God would be slain on a cross as the true sacrifice for the sins of His people was also set before the foundation of the world. The date and the hour of His death were not random but were rather perfect and precise. The day of His death was Passover as He is the true Passover Lamb who was slain to redeem and lead spiritual Israel out of slavery. The Lamb was inspected, not the person in the house! The worthiness of the Lamb and the blood of the Lamb applied in faith saved the firstborn, not the worthiness of the people themselves. Christ the Passover Lamb was inspected and found worthy to be the true Passover Lamb. He the Passover Lamb who is holy and unblemished and so are the people to whom His blood covers as they are declared holy and with spot or blemish by faith in the Lamb. The unblemished spotless blood of Christ our Passover Lamb applied is what rescues, covers, and saves all the firstborn who have entered through Him as He is the Door. The Lamb was examined and was innocent and so are all who believe in Him as they have been declared holy and innocent by the imputed righteousness of the Passover Lamb and escape death and eternal judgment. We are spared because God did not spare His only begotten Son, the true Passover Lamb! Moses Moses is pointing to someone greater as he is a type and shadow pointing to Jesus. Jesus left His place of reign and glory to become a servant and a shepherd to set His people (spiritual Israel) free from slavery of the enemy and sin. As He is the Passover Lamb who was sacrificed to set His people free, Christ is the mediator of a better covenant and now intercedes for His people as they journey through the wilderness traveling to the true promised land. Moses sets the people of Israel free, but whom the Son sets free, they are free indeed! Joseph Joseph is a type and shadow of Christ as Jesus would be the greater Joseph. Joseph was in charge of supplying the physical bread to save the lives of many people. Jesus supplies us Himself as He is the Bread of Life who satisfies the spiritual hunger of all who come to Him (John 6:37) both Jew and Gentile and as a result gives them eternal life. Joseph’s brothers in an attempt to destroy Joseph by their own evil actions, actually set up the conditions that would bring about the events that would eventually lead to the saving of many. They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to save many lives (Genesis 50:20). This is pointing to the cross, whereby the evil actions of evil men to kill and destroy Jesus would set up the event that would ultimately lead to saving of many. Those who ate the bread given by Joseph would hunger again eventually and would all eventually die. However, whoever comes and eats of the Bread of Life, the greater Joseph will never hunger and never die. They meant the crucifixion for evil, but God meant it for good for the saving of His elect! Jacob's Dream Jacob’s dream is pointing to the Messiah (the anointed one) who would be the rock and cornerstone upon which the house of God would be built and who access to Heaven would come through. Through His humiliation(descension) and exaltation(ascension), He is forever the mediator between Heaven and earth and between God and man. We were all at one time separated from God, but all who believe have been reconciled to Him and now rest in Him, His works, and His righteousness as living stones in God’s household. No one has ever ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. Isaac's Bride God the Father has chosen a bride for His Son and appointed them before the foundation of the world. The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father to those chosen to be the bride of His Son to bring them to the Son. The Holy Spirit regenerates, indwells, seals, and leads the bride though the wilderness journey and will guide us on this journey until one day our eyes behold our Bridegroom for the first time. On that wedding day we will not only see our Bridegroom for the first time, but we will see Him as He is! Abraham & Isaac The story of Abraham and Isaac is about a father and son on a mountain but is a type and shadow pointing to what would occur nearly 2,000 later in this same area between the Eternal Father and the Eternal Son. God the Father would send His Son, His only begotten Son to fulfill the promise He made on Moriah that on the mount of the Lord a sacrifice would be provided. This would be fulfilled in Jesus who in this same area, like Isaac would carry the wood on His back to the place of sacrifice and would willingly lay down His life in trust His Father. Isaac was not the son that by his sacrifice would take away the sin of the world, but was pointing to the promised Son who could take away the sins of the who would be the true sacrifice of God, the Son of God. Jesus trusted the Father even unto death as He tasted the wrath of the Father as it pleased the Father to crush His Son in our behalf so that we could have peace with God. God promised He would provide a sacrifice in this area, and this was fulfilled 2,000 years later when the Son of God would die on Mount Calvary. Many read this story and ask how could Abraham be willing to sacrifice His son? The deeper question is how the eternal Father could send His eternal Son to be the sacrifice and suffer His wrath in the place of evil fallen. This is love that our finite minds can’t comprehend fully and should bring us to awe, reverence, and worship for His mercy, grace, and love for His people. He spared nothing as He sent His Son, His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Sodom & Gomorrah One day God’s wrath will be revealed upon all ungodliness and those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. When He comes on the Last Day, He is looking for righteousness. Those who are unrighteous will face the immutable eternal wrath of God that will be poured out. All those who are descendants from Abraham by faith are covered in the righteousness of Christ and will be spared from the wrath of God because Christ satisfied the wrath of the Father upon the cross. It is faith in Him that we are declared righteous and will escape the wrath to come and enter into the consummation of the land that was promised to Abraham and his descendants where righteous dwells. Melchizedek Melchizedek is noted to have no recorded genealogy or documentation of his birth or of his death. The Old Testament presents Melchizedek specifically and solely as a king and priest providing neither his genealogy that preceded him of his genealogy that succeeded him so that He would symbolize an “eternal king and priest” since he had no record of documentation of birth or death (Melchizedek did have parents, just not a genealogy record that could be found). This would be a type and shadow to point to Jesus, the only true eternal king and priest who is without beginning or without end. This speaks to His eternal nature as He has life in Himself (aseity). Noah, The Flood and The Ark The wrath of God upon the wicked and ungodly came via the flood in the time of Noah. Only those who believed God and by faith entered the ark were saved from the coming wrath and death. The flood was a foreshadowing of the judgment on the Last Day and the ark was foreshadowing of Christ who saves us from the wrath to come. All those who by faith believe in the work of the cross, enter through the only door into the ark which is Christ, and are covered by His atonement will be rescued from the wrath to come and will step foot one day into a new Heaven and an new earth where the curse has been removed and where righteousness dwells. Abel Abel was a shepherd who offered a Lamb sacrifice to God which was accepted and pleasing to God. Abel’s “innocent” blood which poured into the ground still speaks. However, Abel was a type and shadow pointing to Christ who is the the Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God who was innocent and killed by envious and evil men. His sacrifice was pleasing to God and His blood will speak forever for His sheep! Adam & Eve Christ is referred to as the Last Adam. In the story of Adam and Eve we see a foreshadowing of Christ and His bride, The Church. As Adam was put to sleep (which can be used to describe death) to make his bride, Christ died on the cross to purchase His bride. Adam’s disobedience and sin resulted in him and his bride getting kicked out of paradise. However, the last Adam’s obedience and Him taking the sin of His bride, results in Him welcoming His bride into paradise. Elisha Elisha means “God is salvation” Cities Of Refuge The Levites did not have their own inheritance of land to settle in due to being the priestly family. There were to be given isolated areas of land within the other family’s allotments of land as to be a presence in all the lands since they were priests. (Joshua 13:14) (Joshua 18:7) (Deuteronomy 18:1-2) .Therefore, the Levites were given 48 cities to live in throughout Israel from other tribes’ land. Out of the 48 total cities, 6 of those were specifically designated as cities of refuge (Numbers 35:6-7) . Three of the 6 cities of refuge were east of the Jordan and three were west of the Jordan. Abrahams’s Servant Finds Isaac’s Bride In Genesis 22 the story of Abraham and Isaac are typology pointing to Father (Abraham) and Son (Isaac) and the redemptive sacrificial work of the Lamb on the same mountain centuries later. In Genesis 24 the oldest servant of the house in charge of all that Abraham had owned was more than likely Eliezer who is mentioned in Gen 15:1-3 . Abraham represents the Father, Isaac Jesus the Son, then Eliezer is typology of the Holy Spirit. The Sabbath Our final rest will be in Heaven with Jesus who is the true substance of the Sabbath! Jericho Joshua representing Jesus and grace lead the Israelites into the Promised Land instead of Moses who represents the law. Moses’s one sin disqualified him from the promised land as this is symbolizing that one sin against God’s holy commandment with grace is worthy of eternal damnation and not entering the promised land. Fiery Furnace God promised that He would be in the fire with them and to those who are His, the same promise is to all those who are called by His name. Wilderness Journey We are finally being tabernacled by Yahweh, we are in the Promised Land and our earthly tents have been done away with in lieu of our permanent residence. David bring the ark into Jerusalem David is the ultimate type and shadow of Christ. Jesus is referred to as the Son of David, Christ’s kingly reign forever is cemented in the Davidic Covenant, they are both born in Bethlehem, both shepherds, both kings, etc. In this type and shadow we see David again being a type and shadow of Jesus. Daniel And The Lions Den The story of Daniel and the lions den points not only the preceding events of Jesus’ arrest, but also to His resurrection.
- 1st Peter Ch. 3 Sermon Notes | The Acts Church
The 1st Letter Of Peter Peter is writing to the elect of God who are exiles in a foreign land. He is writing to them to encourage them and remind them that sufferings and trials are coming and are guarantees, but to not to be discouraged because the trials are from God and are to refine their faith. Suffering, testing, and persecution are coming and we are to look to Christ as our example on how to respond as Peter will labor in this letter to the chosen of God. Peter will encourage and remind his audience that they are strangers and exiles that are not in their true home and they are to keep their eyes upon their forever home in heaven where their inheritance is waiting. Christians have an inheritance that is being reserved for them and they are being reserved for their inheritance. This will be finally complete when we as exiles take our first step home! Chapters 1-5 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Shawn Owens Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1st Peter 3:1-7 The Bible does not tell husbands to love your wife as Christ loved the Church and to be ready to lay your life down for her only when she is submissive. The Bible does not tell wives to only be submissive when your husband loves them like Christ loves the Church. Husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the Church even when she isn’t submissive and does not display a quiet and gentle spirit. Wives are to be submissive to their husbands even when he doesn’t love her as he should. Each is commanded to be obedient in their roles as unto the Lord even if the other person is not fulfilling their role. 1st Peter 3:8-10 Our words are either a sword or a stitch. We can make and open wounds or we can stitch wounds with our words. However, the greatest stitch and healing of wounds is not our words, but the words of God! (Psalm 147:3) 1st Peter 3:11-12 God welcomes the prayers of His children. Our prayers do not change God’s mind. God has ordained all things that will come to pass by His sovereign decree before the foundation of the world and our prayers do not change His plan A. However, God has ordained our prayers and He uses them as instrumental causes to bring about His sovereign plan. Our prayers are included in the providential plan of God’s sovereign decree. Prayer does not change the will of God, but as we grow in sanctification, it will change us to submit to the will of God. 1st Peter 3:13-15a Peter is going to then instruct every believer not only to sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart, but also to be ready at all times to make a defense of the gospel and an account for the hope that is within us. The question that must be asked is: what do you believe and why do you believe it? 1st Peter 3:15b-18 The spirit that raised Christ, will raise us one day. Since Christ has been resurrected from the dead our hope is living. This is the hope that we are called to be always ready to make a defense. 1st Peter 3:19-22 Peter wants to reassure his readers that no matter who or what comes against you or no matter what comes in our lives, we can have peace knowing our God is on His throne ruling and reigning as we speak. After his mission and work was completed, Christ ascended into Heaven. He is the supreme ruler and sovereign God over all the universe. Everything and everyone is in subjection to Him.