What Is Series
Shawn Owens
Pastor Shawn Owens dedicates part of his study time to make notes easy to read, and thorough for anyone who cannot attend in person. Pastor Shawn desires for these notes help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Magi were king makers in their land. Jesus did not need their approval, but rather they came to worship the King of Kings. The gifts that they brought speak to His kingship, His death, and His burial. However, following His resurrection He ascended to sit beside the Ancient of Days which He is currently reigning as King over all!
Repentance is a necessity to be a Christian, repentance is a necessity to be preached in church, and repentance is a necessity in our sanctification and to be conformed to the image of the Son. Let us contemplate and reflect on the Holiness of God and in return on the sin that we commit in idolatrous rebellion against His commands. The more we understand how holy and pure He is, the more we will detest sin, mourn over our sin (Matthew 5:4), and will with all urgency and weight repent! Repentance is a gift granted by God that leads to faith in Christ and salvation. However, repentance is ongoing as we grow in sanctification and holiness and will continue until we are pure in heart and free from the presence of sin for the first time in His presence in our eternal home. Until then let us mourn over our sin which leads us to godly repentance and sanctification which is the will of God.